Dear Positive Deviance Friends and Fans,
After a year of virtual conversations and communications with other PD facilitators, this newsletter will be brief in content but potent in meaning and potential impact.
From the frontier work in old age abuse in Serbia to ongoing collaboration among the Japanese PD network which produced a new guide, via the pioneering use of the Positive Deviance approach as a strategy to increase impact in education of the Design Thinking methodology spearheaded by the Stanford Design School team, the Positive Deviance approach continues to inspire and challenge educators, behavior and social change consultants, donors and academics.
The Positive Deviance approach provides a unique and innovative format that INVITES the frontline workers or staff, community members or other entities, to uncover existing solutions to seemingly intractable problems on their own. This proposition to shift from a usually deficit-based business to an asset-based mindset galvanizes them to seek those sustainable solutions, often referred as “solution mining”.
The process of focusing on “what is working NOW” is at the cutting edge of common sense and reveals simple, cost effective, easily replicable or adoptable sustainable strategies. You will read about some remarkable examples of this process in the
Serbian stories and the education examples provided by the
Stanford “D” school.
We hope that these stories will inspire you to venture into new applications of the PD approach in fields such as power and water conservation, human migration and pollution, and all issues linked to climate change, the most pressing and fundamental global crisis of our time.
On the eve of the lunar New Year and the solar New Year just behind us, Linh and I wish you a healthy, productive and positive year.
As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions via
Best wishes for the new year,
Monique Sternin
Co-founder, Positive Deviance ApproachLinh Nguyen
Manager, Positive Deviance Website